Just saying.
I like Dungeons and Dragons
Age 28
4e Ranger
The Ivory Tower
Joined on 5/10/13
Posted by Riveet099 - April 22nd, 2016
Spring Break! Over here, anyway. My computer's become slow as shit.
Coupla things: Spring cleaning, finals, waiting for Cantarella, resume-building, continue contemplating on this life in hopes you can find the difference in "just" and "moral". Don't worry if you don't get any of this drivel. Everything's connected in some way through the Sociological Perspective.
P.S. Ricotta is gross unless it's melted.
Posted by Riveet099 - April 18th, 2016
I think it's important to be culturally updated. One of the best ways is to keep up with world events, watch TV culture, etc.
Do you keep up with news? Do you watch or read a paper? Which outlet?
What kind of TV shows allow insight into real life? What kind of movies?
All sociologically relevant stuff.
Posted by Riveet099 - April 9th, 2016
Right now, I'm still in college and it firetrucking sucks to be stuck between leisure/social life, education, career building, and family. NG is part of my leisure time, which I feel is taking away from my academics, but I'm just so addicted. Family and leisure cut into my career building a lot. I've missed two opportunity interviews so far because I'm so caught up in midterms and family. Balance is hard, almost impossible, and I'd given up a long time ago. The imbalance is probably going to accumulate from here on...
Posted by Riveet099 - April 2nd, 2016
Ok, Fulp announced since the site skin was "popular" he'd be keeping it over the weekend. Well, we have supporters here and there of Trump so I'll bet they've gone and sold their souls... Meanwhile others have taken major offense and plan to leave NG forever. (Either that or their joking, I hope...)
Man, I don't mean to call anyone thin-skinned, but would Trump ever actually BUY a site smaller than Youtube in constituency? I mean, he's supposed to be good at business...
Posted by Riveet099 - March 28th, 2016
Ever feel like life is just a race to nowhere? People run to and fro everyday and like in the Little Prince, they have no real destination.
Sometimes you feel as though you're failing everything and though it's possible to salvage, you can't be bothered. Yup, that's the drag of college. Halfway through you wonder what the hell is worth it to go on and do anything at all. Ridiculous.
Posted by Riveet099 - March 27th, 2016
The day some dead guy rose from the grave is represented by the rabbit, he symbol of fertility, who for some reason hands out eggs... Such a stupid holiday. Stupider still is when you have an ethnography due and you have to go to church 11am in the morning.Â