Right now, I'm still in college and it firetrucking sucks to be stuck between leisure/social life, education, career building, and family. NG is part of my leisure time, which I feel is taking away from my academics, but I'm just so addicted. Family and leisure cut into my career building a lot. I've missed two opportunity interviews so far because I'm so caught up in midterms and family. Balance is hard, almost impossible, and I'd given up a long time ago. The imbalance is probably going to accumulate from here on...
Well at least family keeps you centered. One thing school does very well, is programming morals and ethics, and it's not exactly what you paid for lol. The hierarchy likes to think and teach they're always right.
Maybe I'd feel better if I were centered on myself...? "Ethics and morals are all social constructions" is a good thing I've learned this semester.