There are a lot of things going on right now, and a lot more than most people are able to process.
I myself am fortunate to have the position to access and process things without freaking out about food, housing security, job security, etc. for now. But I know some people with families larger than mine that depend on them are biting their nails at the rising costs of living and the possibility of losing their job. There's also been some restaurant workers I know that apparently got robbed once a month since January? So, 3 robberies since 2025 started...
There are people that are dismissive about these things, either due to ignorance or even optimism. You can tell someone that "tomorrow is a new day" as many times as you want, but thoughts and prayers are kind of ... eh, at this point.
Politics and news definitely keep everything to the ground like bricks on the wings of a bird. Right now feels like when they tell you to let the rip tide carry you out of the current rather than swim against it and waste your energy. Hold your breath and wait until it's calm enough to swim back.
But by then, what will you be swimming back to? How much will have changed beyond repair? Lots of try and think out, especially if you want to try and get a new job, a new beginning, start a new family... It feels like a good time to say "I've had enough" and just be living single and selfish for the rest of your life, without need to care for any other humans.
Something about that sounds like "it's what XXX want you to do."
The people that care most get taken advantage of and have their hearts broken most, hm.
Weird and random thing: I find it is getting very annoying dealing with conspiracy theorists these days. Maybe it's just the whole "dystopia" thing creeping up on my hindbrain...